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  1. 1 egg

  2. 2 tablespoons tapioca gum or unhydrated tapioca starch

  3. 1 tablespoon water, optional

  4. Seasoning to taste: salt, black pepper, oregano, grated parmesan, etc.

  5. Stuffing to taste: cheese, ricotta, cottage, turkey breast, chicken, spinach, etc.



  1. In a bowl, beat the egg, tapioca gum and water with a fork. Season to taste. Place a skillet to heat over medium heat. Grease it with coconut oil or extra virgin olive oil. Spread the crepioca in the hot frying pan and let it brown on both sides. Stuff to taste.



  1. - The water serves to make the crepioca less "rubbery", so if you prefer, you can do it without the water. Take the test and see how you prefer.




  • 3 whites

  • 1 tbsp Shredded chicken (sautéed)

  • 1 cup of broccoli, cooked (steamed or sauteed)

  • 1 tbsp Cottage Cheese

  • 1 tbsp light ricotta cream or zero-fat cottage cheese

  • 1 tsp Baking Powder

  • Salt e Pepper to taste

  • sesame to decorate

How to prepare: VERY SIMPLE!!

Beat all ingredients (except sesame) in the blender.
Transfer the mixture to ramekins (same pot as in the photo) previously greased with sunflower/coconut oil or olive oil
Take to preheated oven at 200 degrees until golden. (Mine took about 35 minutes)

Super practical, #fitdelideli and with simple ingredients!!
Then tell me what you think! 

quick and easy roast beef


Total time: 30 minutes
Yield: 8 servings


  • 1 piece of lizard (mine had 800 g)

  • 2 tablespoons of olive oil

  • Dry seasoning (to taste)

  • Salt to taste (I used 1 teaspoon)

Method of preparation

  1. Watch the video and see how easy it is:



  • If you don't know how to clean the meat, ask your butcher or buy it already cleaned in the supermarket.

  • Don't forget to pass the seasonings and also brown the ends of the meat.

  • Before adding the meat, let the skillet heat up well, this prevents water from gathering.

  • It's very important that you let the meat rest when it comes out of the oven, so it reorganizes its juices.

Quick Beef Stroganoff



– 1/2 large chopped onion;
– 1 col. (soup) olive oil;
– 1 col. (soup) of butter;
– 500g of minced meat;
– 1 col. (tea) of salt;
– black pepper to taste;
– 1 col. (soup) Worcestershire sauce;
– 1 col. (soup) mustard);
– 1 col. (soup) ketchup;
– 1/2 can of peeled tomatoes (or 2 chopped skinless and seedless tomatoes);
- 1/2 cup. (tea) champignon;
– 1 can of whey-free milk cream.

Potato and Corn Gratin


(for 4 servings):

  • 1 tablespoon (soup) butter;

  • 1 tablespoon (soup) olive oil;

  • 1/2 diced onion;

  • 1 minced garlic cloves;

  • 1/3 of vegetable broth cube;

  • 2 medium potatoes diced into small cubes;

  • 1 can of green corn (without the water);

  • 1 box of 200g of milk cream;

  • 2 spoons (soup) of minced green smell);

Carrot puree with cottage cheese




  • 3 medium carrots

  • 3 cups of water (to boil the carrots)

  • 1/2 cup cream cheese (I used Danubio Light)

  • 2 parsley stalks

  • 1/2 onion

  • Salt to taste (I used seasoned)

  • Black pepper to taste

  • Freshly grated nutmeg, to taste


Method of preparation

1. First, let's wash the carrots and peel them. Then we cut it into slices (it ends up cooking faster).

2. In a medium pot, we are going to cook the carrots in water. I usually add spices at this time, such as parsley and seasoned salt that I have here at home. I also add 1/2 a coarsely chopped onion (the onion chunks will give the broth a special taste, making the puree tastier).

3. With the carrot cooking, let's process it. If you like bits and pieces, you don't need to "beat" so much. I like a very smooth puree so I put the carrots in the food processor for 3 – 5 minutes. To help process the carrots, I add a ladle of the carrot broth (here it's up to the customer's taste, see?). That done, I take the carrot to the cooking pot, without the broth.

4. I mix the curd with the carrot. It will give all the creaminess needed for the puree. At that moment, I add the black pepper, the freshly grated nutmeg and adjust the salt.

When serving, I made a charm with the parsley stalks and a pickled pout pepper that I had here at home. Capriche in the presentation and send a bullet in this purezinho!

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