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  • Branding & Estratégia | click

    BRANDING 1/3 “Identity is cause; brand is the effect.” Larry Ackerman #Click ® - Marketing Consultancy. Setting up a company has never been so easy. Enjoy. THElogo it is your company's gateway. Only you know which audience you want to attract. Why would you take a chance on the doubtful, if you can walk the right path to success? Do like thousands of conscientious entrepreneurs. Invest in personalized and planned graphic art. We create your vectorized logo in SVG/PDF/EPS/PNG file format with 12 extensions. We work with customization or exclusive design for our customers. We are a true logo factory with an exclusive layout. Do not miss the opportunity to invest in your company's image, as the return is guaranteed. We create according to your taste. THEappearance (layout) do site, for example, is responsible for visual structuring. Choosing the layout (design) of the site is one of the most important steps, as it can influence the behavior of users on your site. A well-planned layout can significantly increase website sales, while a bad layout can drive potential buyers away within seconds. "Fifteen years ago, companies competed on price. Today on quality. Tomorrow it will be on design." Robert Hayes, Harvard Business School professor The most beautiful logos and cover for Facebook, you can only do it here! 100% ONLINE SERVICE FOR THE WHOLE WORLD. Method of payment: Deposit, transfer, bank slip or credit card. Email: Contact: (81) 30740990 /WhatsApp: (81) 9.88708441 AVERAGE COMPLETION OF 48 TO 72 HOURS. From R$ 479.90 - PAY UP TO 3X BY CARD. BOLETO, DEPOSIT AND OR BANK TRANSFER. STRATEGY 1/3 “No matter how brilliant the strategy is, you should always look at the results.” Winston Churchill _cc781905-5cde-3194 -bb3b-136bad5cf58d_ _cc781905 -5cde-3194-bb3b-136bad5cf58d_ Mais de 1 bilhão de pessoas ficam connected daily to sites likeFacebook ,twitter ,youtube and Instagram ─ according to data from the ITU (International Telecommunication Union) ─, being on social networks has become an obligation for any company that wants to have a direct interaction with its public. The service maintenance/technological support/website updating, fan page feed, virtual store or mobile app makes it possible to keep your contracted service always up to date within W3C standards, using HTML5 and the latest technologies. We guarantee the quality of the result and delivery time. Method of payment: Deposit, transfer, bank slip or credit card. Email: Contact: (81) 30740990 /WhatsApp: (81) 9.88708441 #Click Login clickconsultmkt Page (y) Follow: clickconsultmkt

  • Social Media | click

    SOCIAL AVERAGE If you were looking for a company that would take care of your social networks so that you have more time to make your business grow, this is the right opportunity. You will only pay from R$ 250.00 per month for us to take care of everything with a strategic organization chart and with a focus on results.Click now on whatsapp and talk to one of our experts. ​ Social network management: • Application of visual identity • Content creation • Posting standardization • Relationships with followers These are some of the points we work on on our customers' social media. Want to know more?Contact us ! 1 Social networks There's probably a smartphone next to you, right? Or are you reading this from a screen right now! It is nothing new that smartphones are already the new world fever. In this connected world, physical presence is no longer the most important thing, having a digital presence has become vital for the success of any undertaking. Turning your product/service into something digital can help scale your business. HAVE A STRONG SOCIAL NETWORK: 3 advantages for your business: 1) Build customer loyalty. 2) Strengthening the brand. 3) Increase earnings and reduce costs two Click's Strategic Organization Chart ​ *A demonstration of our escalation campaign strategy follows without pretense:* ■Corporate PLATFORM : 1) Website 2) Ecommerce (virtual store) 3) Application 4) Virtual model ■DISCLOSURE PLATFORM: 1) Instagram 2) WhatsApp Business 3) Facebook (Groups) 4) Leads page (Capture page) 5) Email Marketing 6) Announcement (Ads) 7) Association Marketing (Partnership) 8) YouTube 9) TiKTOK 10)ADS Paid traffic (ad) ■ Competitive Platform: 1) Free Market 2) Amazon ■ Affiliate Platform: 1) Hotmart 3 Social network management: ​ •Application of visual identity. • Digital identity application. •Creation of digital content and artwork. • Posting standardization •Interact with your Direct or Messenger •Relationships with followers. We don't close packages, because we understand that each client lives a reality and dynamics with their niche and target audience. We don't focus on Post and arts simply to post. We work with organic traffic to promote real and efficient engagement. 4 But what does a Social Media do anyway? ​ With the arrival of the pandemic, *in 2020,* many *companies*/Business needed to *migrate to the virtual environment* . This *accelerated* 🚀🚀 the search for professionals who could improve the *brands* relationship with their *audiences* .😏👍🏼 *Some companies already dedicated a portion of their revenues to investment in marketing and social networks.* However, thousands of companies *DID NOT* believe in the *online* format and ended up having to hastily migrate to *social media marketing.* that you offer. Double click on the text box to start editing your content and add all the data you want to share with your visitors. .................................................... Perfis Organizados O Instagram é uma das redes sociais mais utilizadas atualmente e, por conta disso, é comum que cada vez mais pessoas se importem com a estética do seu perfil. Isso acontece, pois, a forma como uma pessoa é vista nas redes, é a maneira que ele será lembrado pelas pessoas. Por conta da importância que essas plataformas têm na imagem da pessoa, é comum ver cada vez mais gente buscando ter um Instagram organizado. O Facebook também tem um apelo comercial muito forte e a necessidade de profissionaliza-lo é crescente. Segue o rito de cada uma. O que precisa para ter um FACEBOOK profissional? ●Page Profissional ●Grupos ●Perfil comercial ●Link Personalizado ●Destaque ●Menções no Messenger ●Inserções publicitárias ●Stories ●Feed ●Nickname ●Like-Post padrão ●Background Motion/Estático ● Moldura Padrão ●Arte/dia ●Publicação Fixa O que precisa para ter um Instagram profissional? ●Bio organizado ●Link Personalizado ●Destaque ●Publicação Fixa (3arts) ●Menu Carrossel (9arts) ●Body (Grade) ●Menções no Direct ●Inserções publicitárias ●Stories ●Reels ●Feed ●Nickname ●Like-Post padrão ●Background Motion/Estático ● Moldura Padrão ●Arte/dia ....................................................... Usar o *AQUECIMENTO * para sempre movimentar a sua *PLATAFORMA* Digital. ⚡⚡⚡⚡⚡ *O que seria?* 🤔hum.. ●Lançamento ●Promoção ●Live ●Inauguração ●Workshop ●Novo Produto ●Evento ●Podcast ●Sorteio ●Recebidos ●Abertura ●Coquetel ●Conferência . . . Qualquer coisa que vire assunto e que possa ser explorado por um bom período. Sempre lembrando que _Marketing é repetição. _ 😃🤝 Let's work together Click offers you the best online branding tools to create high quality videos, logos, graphics, social media, traffic, mockups, content, mobile App and websites, saving time and effort._cc781905 -5cde-3194-bb3b-136bad5cf58d_

  • Cartão | click

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  • APP | click

    Click App Store Go to os Apps Free Make your App at Click In need of services in the development of websites, systems,mobile apps , apk apps , hotsites, virtual stores, domain, website hosting, reseller hosting, Master reseller, Alpha reseller? Contact us. We have several solutions that can help your Company/Business today. Learn more + Advertising Contact

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