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website creation and the first step. Being present on the internet and being found by the public is essential for those who want to prosper in today's world, where having a website is practically a must in any line of business. Despite this idea being widely spread, the possibility of having to create a website or start an endeavor of this nature can scare many people, who, not being familiar with the subject, cling to mistaken or incomplete concepts, such as “having a website is very expensive"



domain  is your website's email address. As mentioned above, we can compare the domain to the address of a physical store; it is through it that a person will locate your site, when typing the domain in the address bar of the browser. A domain has a structure similar to ““.


accommodation This is where your website files will be stored. In this case, a hosting server is nothing more than a computer, exclusively for storing and making files available on the internet. We can compare the hosting of your website with the physical space of a store. If the property where the store is located has enough space, many products will fit inside it. If the store is in a small property, fewer products will fit. Logically, as these are digital files, measuring a product in a physical store is different from measuring a product in a virtual store, but we can use both for comparison purposes.


THE appearance  of the site is responsible for visual structuring. Choosing the layout (design) of the site is one of the most important steps, as it can influence the behavior of users on your site. A well-planned layout can significantly increase website sales, while a bad layout can drive potential buyers away within seconds.


And finally the creation of  contents.One of the most important items in a website creation project – and one that is usually neglected – is the production of content. This can be one of the most laborious phases in building a website and many projects get stuck at this stage. Content is everything that readers will consume on your site. This includes images, texts, audio/video and other digital files, such as downloadable e-books, for example. You don't need to have all the types of content mentioned here, but you will need to have at least text and images. Well-written texts and in quantity are essential for search engines, such as Google, to find and catalog your site. Therefore, do not pay less attention to the texts, they are important not only for your readers, but also work as marketing tools in search results. As for the images, these will serve to support and enrich your content, keeping the reader interested in the subject you are addressing on a given page.



The term website or Landing Pages refers to a page dedicated to a brand, product, service or idea published in a domain on the internet. There is no minimum or maximum amount of links, texts, images or programming language that technically differentiates them. The rating of hotsite  (also known as mini site or micro site) is given for the purpose of use. THE hotsite has promotional use, specific period of publication and is not a company's homepage on the internet.

Since Landing Pages ask for data from users, you will need to comply with a General Data Protection Law (LGPD). Thus, it is essential to obtain explicit consent from the user (data subject), in addition to indicating the purpose of using this information.

A very common example is sending emails with promotional communications. But what does that mean in practice? Basically, you will need tools that comply with the law and also clearly obtain user consent, in addition to showing what this information collection will be used for.

This can be done on the form itself. On our Landing Pages at RD Station, it is common for you to find the following information on the forms, which indicate compliance with the Law:

  • By completing the form, I agree * to receive communications in line with my interests.

  • By providing my data, I agree with the Privacy Policy.

  • You can change your communication permissions at any time.

Characteristics of an Site:

- Main page of the company on the Internet placed on the main domain;

- Publication for an indefinite period;

- Institutional, commercial use, virtual store, product showcase, etc,;

- Depth of information (maximum content);

- Complete and complex structures, usually needs a sitemap;

- Focus on organic ranking of the company's products and services.

Features of um landing pages:

- Page created for a specific marketing action. Use of additional domain or subdomain;

- Publication made in a short period of time;

- Compact structures and more objective contents;

- Focus on "conversion" - receive registrations, orders, appointments, contacts;

- Great visual appeal.

landing pagesWhat situations are they used for?

- Product launches

- Business presentations

- Media kits

- Promotions (gathering registrations, registrations, regulations, promotions mechanics)

- Events

- Landing pages for sponsored links campaigns

- Awareness campaigns


Payment method: Deposit, transfer, bank slip or credit card. 

Email: /Contact: (81) 30740990 /WhatsApp: (81) 9.88708441 

Construção de webSite/Responsivo
R$ 1.200,00

Web desenvolvedor de Sites, E-commerce e Aplicativos. Compõe em toda estruturação e funcionamento da plataforma digital no templete customizado, personalizado e padronizado.

R$ 300,00

Consiste em:
- Fotos
- Vídeos (s/edição)
- Textos
- Musicas
- E-mail 
- Telefone
- Links
- WhatsApp 
- Tabelas
- Catálogo 
- Botões 
- Informações 
- Dicas 
- Campanhas 
- Preços 
- Chats 
- Versão atualiadas
- Posts 
- Promoções 
- Contatos 
- Proteção Antigas vírus 

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